Author : Bloom Ads

How to Make An Effective Facebook Ad

Is your brand active on social media? Facebook is more than just a platform for sharing with friends; it’s a way for companies to keep in touch with customers in real-time. Right now, Facebook ads are one of the best ways to reach consumers, especially since Facebook is actively deprioritizing organic business posts after the […]

The Importance of Media Planning for Your Business

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Media planning entails sourcing and selecting the optimal media platforms for your marketing campaigns, and at the end of the day the importance of media planning comes down to determining the best combination of media to reach a marketing campaign’s objectives. Creating an effective marketing strategy is a crucial and necessary part of marketing. […]

PPC Mistakes That Are Costing You Money

Pay-per-click, or PPC, advertising often makes up a good amount of your online advertising budget, so you wouldn’t want to make any mistakes in your targeting or budgeting — but you could be! Make sure you’re not making any of these common mistakes that could cost you money. You’re Bidding Too Broad You should always […]

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