How to Measure Your Summer Marketing Success

Before we know it, summer will be just be a distant memory, and with it will go your summer marketing plan. As you move on to the fall and winter, you don’t want to ignore the success or failures that came along with the hot, sunny weather. To keep your plan successful and growing year after year, here are some fundamental ways to measure your marketing that will ultimately lead to success!

Compare Year-Over-Year

The best way to know if your summer marketing is progressing is by comparing your metrics to the year prior. Look at website traffic, social engagements, phone calls and sales to see if there were any common trends or improvements.

Look at Trends

If it’s a beautiful and sunny summer, it’s only natural for your online engagement and presence to drop a bit. If you have a standing store, you might notice an increase in sales while your online sales may have  dropped. Did you have a high boost in sales one week? Try to find the reason so you can recreate that in the future. Maybe a rainy day had you sending out a ‘rainy day sale’ email that drove more traffic. Connecting the dots can give you a better understanding of where you are succeeding and where you can improve.

Ask Consumers

Wondering which ads or efforts won your new consumers over? Well, it can’t hurt to ask! Whether it’s through a street advertisement, word-of-mouth or sponsorship, knowing what’s bringing in customers is a crucial way to keep the success going.

Learn For Next Year

It can be easy to jump into fall and leave summer in its tracks, but a full look at what worked and what didn’t, is a great way to prepare for the following year. Do a comprehensive analytical report and make sure to look at it before you plan next year’s marketing plan.

If you have any questions about the services that we offer, do not hesitate to reach out by calling 818-703-0218. You can also visit our website to learn more about our media buying and planning services.

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