The About Me Page Mistakes to Avoid

Though it might seem like an afterthought, your website’s about me page should be the most planned out page on your site. It’s your introduction to the world, and it represents your brand, and many of us are simply breezing through it. So to gain more customers and represent your brand’s voice, here are the about me page mistakes to avoid:

Not Explaining Why You’re a “Yes”

When it comes to your website, your about me page is your major selling point. You want it to tell your story, but often business spends too much time talking about their accomplishments and not enough time explaining what they have to offer. Be personal and show who you are as a brand, just make sure what you can offer your customers is adequately represented.

Lacking Visuals

We are in a world filled with mobile users and short attention spans — so if your about me is too wordy, people will be likely to scroll on by. Try utilizing bullet points, photos, and videos when possible. Keep paragraphs short and use headlines when needed. Don’t forget to add in an opt-in form to gain you more email subscribers too!

Lack of Direction

Since people often land on your about me page first, you’ll want to use every opportunity to direct them to other areas of your website; this is the perfect spot to link to your services pages, blogs, and content. So when you are about to sit down and write your about me, don’t forget to bring attention to the rest of your site. Otherwise, users will click out and never return.

Not Promoting Your Reviews

The about me page is the perfect place to upload all your positive reviews and achievements. Add a testimonial section that scrolls through as readers are on the page, or add screenshots of your awards, mentions, and accomplishments. A visually appealing section will get a lot more attention than three paragraphs deeply explaining it.

If you need help developing your overall marketing strategy, contact our professionals here at Bloom Ads. Visit our website to learn more about our advertising services or give us a call directly at 818-703-0218.

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