Why Understanding Intent is Essential for Any Marketing Strategy

What do you turn to for information?

If your smartphone is the first thing that came to mind, you’re not alone.  Whether looking for the location of a restaurant, the best pair of running shoes, or how to fix a leaky faucet, smartphones are a common, go-to source of information.

Brands need to be there during these intent-filled moments.  These micro-moments are an opportunity to connect with potential customers at the exact moment that they are looking for information, goods or services.

When developing your marketing strategy, it is important to understand intent or why a customer is searching for your business.  By thinking about intent, you avoid missing potential customers that exist outside of your targeted demographic.

Search for trends and explore opportunities to make sure you are there during these useful moments of intent.  For example, although someone may not have children, they might also be searching for products for their friends, co-workers, etc.

Make sure your content is useful and meet your customer’s needs.  51% of smartphone users have purchased from a brand other than the one they intended because the competitor’s content was more useful!

Mobile has truly changed how businesses connect with potential customers.  If your business needs help developing a mobile-friendly marketing strategy, contact the experts at Bloom Ads.  We can help you measure demographics and analyze intent to reach the right customers at the right time.

Whether you are in need of TV advertising, radio advertising, or digital advertising services, our full service digital ad agency is here for all your business needs.  Call 818-703-0218 to speak with a marketing expert directly or visit our website to learn more about the services we offer.

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(818) 703-0218